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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - slam


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 I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1660  1. grand ~  2. little ~  II. noun  Etymology: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian ~re to bang, Swedish ~ra to rattle  Date: 1672  1. a heavy blow or impact  2.  a. a noisy violent closing  b. a banging noise; especially one made by the ~ of a door  3. a cutting or violent criticism  4. ~mer  5. a poetry competition performed before judges  III. verb  (~med; ~ming)  Date: circa 1691  transitive verb  1. to strike or beat hard ; knock  2. to shut forcibly and noisily ; bang  3.  a. to set or slap down violently or noisily ~med down the phone  b. to propel, thrust, or produce by or as if by striking hard ~ on the brakes ~med the car into a wall  4. to criticize harshly  intransitive verb  1. to make a banging noise  2. to function (as in moving) with emphatic and usually noisy vigor the hurricane ~med into the coast ~med out of the room  3. to utter verbal abuse or harsh criticism
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См. в других словарях

  1. v. & n. --v. (slammed, slamming) 1 tr. & intr. shut forcefully and loudly. 2 tr. put down (an object) with a similar sound. 3 intr. move violently (he slammed out of the room). 4 tr. & intr. put or come into sudden action (slam the brakes on). 5 tr. sl. criticize severely. 6 tr. sl. hit. 7 tr. sl. gain an easy victory over. --n. 1 a sound of or as of a slammed door. 2 the shutting of a door etc. with a loud bang. 3 (usu. prec. by the) US sl. prison. Etymology: prob. f. Scand.: cf. ON slam(b)ra 2. n. Cards the winning of every trick in a game. Phrases and idioms grand slam 1 Bridge the winning of 13 tricks. 2 the winning of all of a group of championships or matches in a sport. small (or little) slam Bridge the winning of 12 tricks. Etymology: orig. name of a card-game: perh. f. obs. slampant trickery ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от scanning laser acoustic microscope растровый лазерный акустический микроскоп II сокр. от single-layer metallization однослойная металлизация ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. громкое хлопанье; шум (захлопывающейся двери) to close a book with a slam —- с шумом захлопнуть книгу 2. сильный удар 3. нокаутирующий удар (бокс) 4. ам. разг. строгая критика 5. (также slam to, slam down) со стуком закрывать, захлопывать to slam the window —- захлопнуть окно to slam the door in the face of smb. —- захлопнуть дверь у кого-либо перед носом to slam down the lid of the box —- захлопнуть крышку шкатулки 6. с шумом закрываться, захлопываться the gates always slam (to) —- ворота все время хлопают 7. со стуком швырять, бросать (также slam down) to slam smth. (down) on the table —- с шумом швырнуть что-либо на стол to slam one's fist on the table —- стукнуть кулаком по столу he slammed down the receiver —- он бросил (телефонную) трубку 8. падать со стуком, стукаться 9. хлопать, стучать (обо что-либо) the shutters slammed against the house —- ставни колотились о стену дома 10. с силой надвинуть, нажать to slam one's hat on one's head —- нахлобучить шляпу to slam on the brakes —- нажать на тормоза, резко затормозить 11. бить, ударять he got badly slammed about the head —- его сильно ударили по голове 12. посылать, направлять ударом the batter slammed the ball into the river —- отбивающий сильным ударом загнал мяч в реку 13. разг. резко критиковать; разносить, подвергать нападкам 14. карт. шлем grand slam —- большой шлем 15. карт....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  on  а) торопливо надвинуть, нахлобучить He slammed on his hat and ran out of the house.  б) нажать резко, торопливо The driver slammed on the brakes but failed to stop in time. SLAM the door in face захлопнуть дверь перед самым носом кого-л. SLAM to со стуком закрывать(ся), захлопывать(ся) Every time that boy leaves the house he slams the door to. The door slammed to in the high wind. SLAM  1. noun  1) хлопанье (дверьми)  2) cards шлем  3) amer.; coll. резкая критика  2. v.  1) хлопать, захлопывать(ся); to slam the door in the face of smb. - захлопнуть дверь у кого-л. перед носом  2) бросать со стуком; швырять  3) amer.; coll. раскритиковать  4) amer. ругаться - slam down - slam on - slam to SLAM down со стуком бросать, швырять She slammed down the letter and walked angrily out of the office. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (slams, slamming, slammed) 1. If you slam a door or window or if it slams, it shuts noisily and with great force. She slammed the door and locked it behind her... I was relieved to hear the front door slam... He slammed the gate shut behind him. VERB: V n, V, V n adj 2. If you slam something down, you put it there quickly and with great force. She listened in a mixture of shock and anger before slamming the phone down. VERB: V n with adv 3. To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely. (JOURNALISM) The famed film-maker slammed the claims as ‘an outrageous lie’... VERB: V n 4. If one thing slams into or against another, it crashes into it with great force. The plane slammed into the building after losing an engine shortly after take-off... He slammed me against the ground. VERB: V into/against n, V n into/against n 5. see also Grand Slam ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »DOOR/GATE« if a door, gate etc slams, or if someone slams it, it shuts with a loud noise  (Please don't slam the door. | We could hear people shouting and doors slamming in the house next door. | slam shut)  (A door slammed shut in the distance.) 2 »PUT STH SOMEWHERE« T always + adv/prep to put something on or against a surface with a fast violent movement  (slam sth/on/down etc)  (Henry slammed the phone down and walked angrily out of the room.) 3 slam on the brakes to make a car stop very suddenly 4 »CRITICIZE STH« a word used especially in newspapers, meaning to criticize something strongly  (The government's amnesty for tax-dodgers was slammed today by opposition leaders. | slam sb for sth)  (The television company was slammed by the media for its portrayal of a gang rape.) 5 slam the door in sb's face a) to shut a door hard when someone is trying to come in b) to rudely refuse to meet someone or talk to them slam into sth phr v to drive or move very fast towards something and hit it  (The car slammed into a lamp-post.) ~2 n C usually singular the noise or action of a door or gate slamming  (- see also grand slam) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Signalling Lymphocyte Activation Molecule U.S. gov. abbr. Standoff Land Attack Missile mil. abbr. STACCS LAN Management System mil. abbr. Stand-Off Land Attack Missile mil. abbr. Simultaneous Localization And Mapping ocean sc. abbr. Scuba Lifesaving And Accident Management ocean sc. abbr. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping univ. abbr. Student Leaders Are Moving univ. abbr. Software Learning At Maximum univ. abbr. Student Liberation Action Movement electron. abbr. Stereo Limiter And Microphone Pre-amplifier funny abbr. Something Like Another Monday adult abbr. Slow Low And Mean gen. comp. abbr. Syntactic Language Abstraction Method gen. comp. abbr. Syntactical Language Abstraction Methodology sec. abbr. Site Logging And Monitoring media abbr. Sex Love And Marketing educ. abbr. Support Local Art and Music educ. abbr. Support Local Arts and Music sport abbr. Science Lab Assistant Mile sport abbr. Super Large Action Madness sport abbr. South Lancashire Advanced Motorcyclists sport abbr. Scuba Lifesaving Accident Management religion abbr. Students Living A Mission music abbr. Support for Local Artists and Musicians gen. bus. abbr. Sound Logic Advertising Marketing NASDAQ abbr. Suburban Lodges of America account. abbr. Super Low Administrative Mortgage chat abbr. So Learn About Me chat abbr. Stop Looking At Me ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: GRAND SLAM. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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